Wednesday, September 10, 2008

eugenia lesson again, finally.
its fun like usual only that the problem statement
are hard to explain and put into words.
but nevertheless, we goona sort it out later.

yesterday was computing. my team left halfway.
bryan, ayman, wenting &me went to watch 4bia at causeway.
the movee was okeh &to special mention the last scene;
it scared my ass off. it was exhilarating due to the 4 scene
and the suspense that scares everyone alot.
i rate the show 4/5 due to too graphical on a certain scene.

Finally, my last week of work aft working for 4months+.
Too tired to continue working.
I guess i'll take a 1week leave and then dissapear myself.
haha. swensens peeps breaking fast together
at don't know where next wednesday.
looking forward to it. Last time seeing them. haish.

got to go .
need prepare presentation.

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