Saturday, October 18, 2008

I was just about to switch off my laptop &turn in.
but then i decided to blog.
i know this is a bad way to start back my blog
but im gonna say it anyway.

i guess i won't bother waiting anymore
i've decided to let go
i know that you have some other guy, it's obvious
but im still waiting, why?
because this is true love i supposed.
i've shown you my sincerity &that's the best i can do.

im gonna move on w another girl.
yes im desperate. desperate to be in love again
i miss the 'feeling' of being love.
&i hate the feeling of 'jealousy' it sucks &hurtful
this is just too much.
but i can still be your listening ears
someone you can still rely on.
i won't interfere w your whatever-relationship
you're having right now.
we shall be friends now.
all the best okay?

this is not meant to hurt you
it's just to console myself.
i hate this post but i had to.
to say what i wanna say.

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