Monday, October 27, 2008

im back(:
so im having my 1 week break.
but.. its filled with band rehearsals(:
i really wanna rest my mind &my body.
its ok, i have plenty of time to do so.

going to vivo tommorow with abi &kavu.
&&abi borrowed my lappy, soo. im missing my lappy wifey badly.
haha. make sure kau jage bini aku betol2.
good news, i got my last pay cheque.
bad news, it is stil on my hold balance. must wait for 2 &half days.
hopefully, it will be transefered into my bank acc tommorow.

wanna upload photos but they are in my lappy.
so i'll do it next time okk...
btw, im missing alot of people..
swensens people, kavu, isam, belo, nadia decades, aisyah, hamster.
meet up soon aite..

&mom keep saying things
that makes me wanna cry.
add on to my remorse state. haishh.
i felt terrible.
i promise to be a good boy now(:
1) no more going back late, as in reaching home at ard 5am.
2) won't quarrel with brother again.
3) do my house chores
lastly, be a fillial son(:

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