Sunday, December 28, 2008

4more days to 2009.
can't wait for countdown. haha

so today went to orchard with romeo.
we windowshoped and chicks scanning. hehe.
i swear there are lots of chicks.
it was great.

fareast was our 1st stop.
i wanna buy dickies bag
but bo sen. next time(:
then to taka. earlier mom gave me $50 taka voucher.
yup. wanna buy shoes but they worth more than $50.
nothings else to buy, so i bought a billabong wallet.

went to eat at mac then proceed to taka outside.
smoke &smoke then saw romeo's girl he met at friendster.
romeo was quite reluctant to join the girl and her friends.
but eventually, we joined them.
kiwak, one of her friend lawa lah sial. hahaha.

we saw alot of bapoks today.
there's one who walked to the middle of taka outside.
& all the mats started to woo him.
kekek lah siol.
&he was happy of cos.
he started showing his ass and his man boobs in the middle of taka.

ard 11 head home together with the girls.
4more days and still counting(:

the wallet i bought

we love to cam whore in the toilet. first try.

second try. romeo valentino and zeeq tequiero

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