Saturday, January 24, 2009

today marks the last day of year 1.
&that means e35j is seperating.
the past one year in rp have been appaling
but it was the people whom make it great.
w24f &e35j are bunch of crazy asses.
but most imptly, they are great friends.

we did have a farewell dinner at t3, popeye.
not everyone was there literally but thats the best moment for e35j.
it started me waking up late &went to class ard 1.30pm.
i was marked absent but i was there to see the faci &classroom for the last time.
it was sad leaving the classroom for the last time.
after their presentation we took bus 858 to airport t3 for popeye.
while in the bus, a person whom i afraid of &hate sat few seats infront on me.
i was pondering over it then something struck my mind.
he looked like any other passenger in the bus
then why fucking on earth should i be afraid of him.
i will always rmbr that he is just another passenger in the bus.

at popeye, i swear i ate alot. its fattening but i like. haha
went to garden top straight after that.
we were playing with the trolleys.
we took turns to sit and push each other. haha.
yes, we were having fun by embarrasing ourselves.
at the garden top, elliot was pushing me &he tried to drift but he failed.
i end up lying helplessly on the floor with lots of eyes looking at me. haha

after that went to t2 by taking the skytrain.
go to viewing mall.
played truth and truth. it turn out bad though. lol.
around 9pm most of them needd to leave.
bryan, siti, shah &me planned not to go home that early.
so we went to cityhall.
slacked at starbucks quite a while then head to padang.
by then its alr 12am.
leave padang around 1am &i took nr3 home.
& it was freaking $3.50.
it was really tiring but i really had fun.

well, i guess its time to catch some sleep.
holidays till april is definitely exciting.
taking hold of the holidays.
end with some quote from Harriet Braiker
"Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing."

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