Monday, March 02, 2009

Hong Kong. Cheap cheap

the HK photos i've promised to post.
it took me more or less 4 hours editing them.
these beautiful photos were not taken by me.
thanks to yani, arief, darul for these coool photos(:

cant deny that there are tons of unglams
photos of me in there. haha.
apparently, im not alone. hehehe.
alryte, enough talking.
let the photos do the talking((:

Main highlight of this trip, Hong Kong Disneyland! Carousel, roller coaster, mickeys everywhere = love(:

Night at the museum. They have way cooooler museums than we do(:

Our main purpose of us here. Boring but great experience i must say(: Exchange with musicphilic, Neowind &performance at Disneyland(:

What's better than free and easy?

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