Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another junket

Okaaay, I did promised to myself that I won't be accepting anymore outings or performances due to my hectic and occupied schedule that's pushing against me. And I just broke it by agreeing to perform for Teck Whye speech day. What am I still doing in teck whye for goodness sake?

Anyways, steamboat session with KPL was awesome! Thanks Arief for your great hospitality and we do had lot's of fun, I swear. Photos should be uploaded soon. 19th March would be another day out at Sentosa, this time round with TPB and some secondary school mates. I am waaay looking forward to it. A lot of catching up need to be done(:

P.S I need someone to accompany me to take my bike practical. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Yes, why are you still doing in Teck Whye? I've always wanted to go back, but instead, I couldn't.

How do you find time fitting yourself to be in Teck Whye sey?

Zeeq Rentequiero said...


I don't know. Haha. They need alumni for the speech day due to main band busy with syf. I guess I'm just killing myself. Haha

Anonymous said...

A'ah eh, this year syf year. When is it?

I've always tell myself that I miss the band but I'd never visit them. =/