Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Please read, sorry.

You may not accept what I am about to post here, but this is merely another bombshell that is about to explode. I have been keeping somewhat about myself, closeted from others in which I couldn't bear to withhold any longer. It is painful for me to keep on pretending and yes, I have suffered enough. I'm sorry to anyone who might get affected by what I am about to say.

I have a lot of people asking me why I stay single for so long. My answer to them was I'm just simply tired or not bebothered to be in a relationship, after my previous unsuccessful relationships. The truth is that I'm gay. Yes, not as in happy but attracted to my own gender. This may shocked many but this is my reality. I can't change it so do you.

I'm in a relationship right now, blissfully attached to this guy I know for a long period of time. He showed me the true meaning of love, care and affection. Thanks Luey for all the sweet time we had shared together, I know this is hard for you and me now, but this is who we are. I know he will always be there for me. I'm happy with the way I am now, and I hope you will be happy for me too. It's your choice anyways, to be judgemental against me.

To my brothers(TPB) and sisters, sorry if you haven't heard of this or never had expected anything like this to come about. But this is who we both are. Sorry.

But, before you starts flooding my tagboard/msn, putting me onto your hatelists, calling me loose ass, blocking me on msn or stuff like that, I want you to check back the date today.
Have a great day ahead.


Zeeq Rentequiero & Luey Vayo

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