Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sun, Sand, Sea

I reached home not long ago from the strenuous 3 days 2 night family chalet. Although I feel like dumping myself on my bed right now, blogging is my first priority. I need to blog about that Sentosa outing I had few days back, and I shall do it now.

The day was great although the constant fear that it would rain and thank god it didn't; instead we're all tanned and sunburnt like pigs. And I was dumb enough not to sleep the previous night, but busy blogging about the purple sky. Pfft. Still, seeing all of their faces actually puts me on cloud nine. I swear. Most of us only met like once a year?

We took our usual 188 and then shuttle bus to Sentosa. I was late as usual but I'm not the last at least. Hehe. We reached sontosa at around 11am.

And we have our eat al fresco at the Pahlawan Beach! The weather is great, the sand and sea is great. Even the people there are great too. It wasn't as crowded as it always is.

We had our usual poker games, dog and bone, ball games and swim of course.

And this is Khair. I promised to blog about this photo; and i did. I have no idea what he is modelling for.

We left sentosa at 8pm and make our way through Harbour Front for dinner. It's another simple day at Sentosa yet everyone do had fun and this would be another memorable moment for us.

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