Sunday, May 10, 2009

De resign

Designing a poster etc. for an event organised by an organization isn't easy. Living up to their expectations is like killing yourself slowly. Furthermore when you have to go through quite a lot of draftings and edditing, which changed the initial idea of your designs.

I've been designing quite a sum this year itselfs and i consider retiring soon. Haha. Here are the 2 posters I've designed for Republic Polytechnic Wind Symphony upcoming back-to-back concerts. I wouldn't say both of this are the best but they're time and effort consumer.

Ensembles! On 25th May 2009
TRCC Studio, Free admission

Viva La Symphonie III, 13th June 2009
TRCC Theatre, $10 & $12

Designs are my passion, but too much of it can cause harm. Anyways, Happy Mother's Day to all Moms out there especially my Mom! Enjoy your weekends.

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