Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Malay sia

I've been visiting Malaysia quite often this few weeks. It just keep me want to go back over and over again maybe due to the fact that with just $15 I could catch a movie (couple seat), bought 25stick ciggarettes and have proper restaurant meal. What's more to say, let the photos talk yeah!

I love their Kbox in their arcade. Way awsome!

Meet jackey. Same couple wear today. I'm hotter, yay or nay? haha

Yamseeeeeeeng the bandung. Yum

Naf enjoying her asam pedas while me enduring the spicyness of the dish.

Power Kids. Hillarious and full of actions! Worth watching! 8/10

Angels & Demons. A really must watch movie! Full of puzzles and intersting story line. 9/10

Malaysia ain't that bad afterall. They come in handy when your're having financial crisis back here in S$. Hehe.

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