Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Fuck H1N1

Alright, I haven't been updating my blog. It's not because I committed suicide like those MJ fans, but I am just plain lazy. Been to a lot of places for the past few weeks and wanting to blog about them then again, blame my lazy fingers. Life hasn't been a smooth sailing one but I am still hanging on. H1N1 is sucha pain in the ass. Not that I am suspected of one but because of that damn flu, a lot of things got to be postponed or canceled. Hazirah and I got pulled off from the SYOG competition because we're from RP and were showing signs and symptoms of H1N1. Fug you swine.

Okok, enough of words. Let me shower you with tons of photos taken during random outings. Enjoy.

East Coast with TPB and bimbos. Fun!

Meet Nadia, my 12 years and still counting best friend.

Okay, that's me if I had long hair.

Taken just before everyone got drunk that day.

The happy friends, look at Isam's face; priceless.

Happy as ever.

And next set of photos would be E24H trip to JB for Transformers 2. I swear it's great. Ignore the critics who rate it badly. A must to watch!

At woodlands, waiting for bus. duh.

They love taking photos of my blur cock face.

City square!

We lunched at Kasih Asam Pedas. I've lunched there for like 3 times already? Zzz

The good food, really.

See, I told you.

And again...

Enjoying the oh so good food.


Haha. Caught you smoking Nisha.

Another blur cock face. -_-"

After movie at Coffee Bean.

What's better than cheap ciggs?

Testing for group photo

Nah, let's take another shot

Tadaa. Finally

That's all the photos I can share for now.

Andddd, to end the post, look at my fucking grade. And for the very first time, I got an E for my UT. Woah.

Take care people. (:

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