Tuesday, July 22, 2008

been missing for sucha long time.
its just plain lazyness in me.
&yes, gotten my first pay

so went to bought some stuffs at bugis and penin
went with aisyah.
hmm, now quite broke already
i spent about $120 on new shirts, shoes, pants.
& the best item, hoody!
been craving for that for sucha long time.

&treating nadia at swensens for her very belated birthday
together with nisah. date not conferm yet, still
treating isam, nabil &shabri a hoody each. heee(:

&i will set aside $100 monthly for my motor lisence
which im taking next year.
can't wait for that day. haha

ouh yah, on sunday
went to swensens at parkway parade to celebrate dad's
birthday. i can't finish the breaded chicken because im damn full.
before that went to eat durians at four season durian cafe.
one word, heaven.
don't know what makes the durian so expensive
2 durians at $65
but, its enough to feed 5people.
haha. now having sore throat.

now back in school.
most of my classmates left
but i didn't. too tired and lazy.
might as well just sleep in class
entertaining that fookmeng.

ok, need to do my ppt now.
btw, president nathan coming over to RP later
so class ends at 4. weee~

i know what you have gone through
its the same as mine.
we've hurt each other, both in the same way
maybe, that's true love?
im still waiting...

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