Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Last day of Sem 1
which means holidays! no big deal, 3 weeks only
it is also my last day with my class, W24F
5months we've been through
&its time to change class, fucking policies in RP.
but we'll always be friends forever, that's for sure.
i swear my time here with you guys are amazing
just too much to say and i just cant expressed them by words.

my testimonials for you guys are not ready yet.
soon yeahh...
in the meanwhile, since photo speaks a thousand words.
so let it talk!

& this video here, my class did it on the last day of school. Nothing else to do. Enjoy! Hope you guys have catch the advertisement before, because this is the re-enacthment of it. Venue, RP toilet, Rp facilitation room, Changi airport T3. Enjoy!

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