Monday, January 15, 2007

Arh! Recap, recap!

14 January '07

Went to meet Hamster at cckcs baru lepas tu meet Farah. Went to Penin to accompany Ham buy stuff for her bro birthday. Reach there walk pass this se* shop. Haha. Im kinda eager to go in, but nah... underage. Haha. So we continued roaming around and Ham found things for her bro and bought it. Yeah, I also bought a stud belt and a orange-striped shirt. Mampos bankrupt... Then we went to 1 shop and the owner bunge sangat. Merajok tak tentu pasal. We walked in and he say " you walked around penin already then go my shop. You want to buy I tell you the price." Maut, bunge habes. Abeh aper lagi, kiter pon bunge ar. Teros cabot!

Of course lar pas tu gi makan! Tapi on the way there, we passed by the se* shop again but this time... Jeng,jeng,jeng... Since I was walking near the shop, Farah aper lagik, tolak aku masok tu kedai. Paiseh sak! Then i quickly retreat... Selamat takder orang nampak...

Took 190 back home. In the bus talked about MD! Haha. Lawak habes... Reached Lot buy box for the present then head home...

15 Jamuary '07

School macam biaser today. Lessons...
After lessons stay pat class to decorate. While Yanling was plucking some things on the ceiling, her hand got slashed by the moving fan. And there she goes... the sickbay... Get well soon! After that went to teck whye market and buy all the necessities needed. Bought alot of CNY stuffs. Kiasu habes! Amazingly, satu red crepe paper pon takder! Went to lot 1 hoping that they would sell the red crepe paper. But out of stock. Waste bus fare. Then went back to school. And decorate the board... Yup. Nothing much happened...

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