Saturday, December 20, 2008

waited long enough? haha
alryte, i've been lazy to blog.

so later at 5am im off to ecp.
dad sending me there, together with romeo, luey and bangg.
why early? not because we're enthusiast but because we
need to 'book' a spot. hahaha.

talking about enthusiast, i guessed
next time we (the organiser) should not be enthusiast
in planning. we should not waste our fucking time
planning, squeezing our brains, getting the money.
when people just don't put thoughts on our hardwork.

why? because only a few are going to this bbq,
less than 10? haha. BIG joke. i don't blame those
who can't come, last minute.
but myself, for wasting my smses, my time, money
for this stupid thing. i felt stupid now. haha.

but, fear not, we're still gonna enjoy ourselves!
haha. we got food and stuff prepared already.
& we'll goona finish those food, in which we prepared for 20 people,
all by our own, 10 people. great.

alryte, update soon(:
btw, tpb? tanam sudah.

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